Able Data is a search tool for getting unbiased information on assistive technology products, solutions and resources. It was created for the Department of Health and Human Services' National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research.
The ABLE National Resource Center provides online resources about ABLE accounts - what they are, how they work, and the different ABLE programs available by state.
This site contains comprehensive information pertaining to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Some sample topics include employment, agriculture, education, technology and business. A variety of ADA-related publication are also available.
This site provides extensive information regarding the ADA and a calendar of ADA training events. ADATA is the national organization supporting & coordinating regional ADA and IT Technical Assistance Centers and the National Center on Accessible Information Technology in Education.
AFB CareerConnect is a free resource for people who want to learn about the range and diversity of jobs performed by adults who are blind or visually impaired throughout the United States and Canada. CareerConnect has general information about the United States Labor market in a completely accessible format.
The Disability Rights Office addresses disability-related matters in telecommunications, including access to telecom services and equipment, accessible communication services and equipment, closed captioning and accessible emergency alert systems, among other things.
DisABLED Person allows individuals to connect with future employers by creating an account, posting your resume and finding detailed information about potential jobs that could be a perfect fit for you.